To Get the Media Interested You Need to have a Good Story

You Have the Right to a Healthy and Clean Entrance to Your Apartment Building, in area that is City Owned

It was only a week ago that Yianni Stamas, on this site, told a really life story of how he finally got the city to fix a drain that was causing polluted water to fill the entrance of an apartment building. Tenants had to literally step in the filthy water to get to their homes.

We Pay Taxes Too

And even though all the conventional means were tried, no help was ever given to the people, and hence the problem persisted. The unhealthy entrance to an apartment building that they faced each and every day, was an issue that had been going on for years! You have a right to your health in public places! Especially when it is connected to the city or government in some way such as the NYC Housing Lottery and therefore their responsibility!

What Does this Apartment Entrance Situation have Anything to do with Today’s Topic?

The reason we mention this tale about the difficulty sometimes of getting public servants, who we pay the salary, to actually do what they are receiving income to do. Why story? Because it is a window into the reality of being an American and living in the city in one of the less liked areas of Manhattan. The point is you have to think outside of the box. The goal is to figure out the shortest and most non stressing, route to solve the problem.

What is the METHOD HOW to Get What You Want, Need and Desire?

How do you know if your METHOD HOW to get what you want will actually work? The answer to this has to do with you and your ability to look at the situation and come up with a strategy. Luck is a part of the process also, but if you get lucky, don’t city on your laurels but instead get right to it. Time is of the essence.

Danger in Motion

The building puddle of water we have been talking about was also done in conjunction with fire hydrants being illegally opened and then used to spray into the already existing puddle. Also, it is a tradition every summer to get hydrants to spray into the windshields of cars. And when a driver who cannot see through the windshield (due to having large amounts of water sprayed on it) could potentially hit someone.

Whether You are Promoting Yourself or Your Company or Social Justice, Makes No Difference if You are Seeking Publicity

The water topics of a large puddle as well as hydrants spurting, caused a lot of anxiety and the city was doing nothing. So, out of concern for public safety, a call was made to New York 1 which is an NYC channel that is focused on Manhattan and the other boroughs. NY1 showed up with their camera and reporter and covered the story.

Problems and Solutions

If a problem is painful and impacting the lives of lots of people, the press or media is sometimes interested in covering it. They like stories with an aspect of lack of safety and injustices. Hence, if you have a good story, they will come. But if you have nothing to offer that will solve their problem of finding and filming coverage of tales, you will not get a result.

Will they Be Interested?

Remember, even if you have a good angle, you still might not be able to get their interest. It all depends on how timely and newsworthy your story is to them, and they make choices based their question which is if this is a good topic that will generate interest for viewers and sponsors. Will they be interested in the problem and solution?

Online Newsletters

Online and email Newsletters can be very helpful getting the word out regarding problems and solutions. An example is the Method How Report formerly known as USA Make a Difference Newsletter. This report has fresh ideas at least once a week, complete with coming strategies in the form of weekly Company Campaigns to help your company flourish.

Please Note

Although all who are interested can subscribe to the report, at the present time at this very early stage in development, METHOD HOW is focusing on helping those who are a Person in Need, or owner of a Company in Need, or both. For a limited time they will have access for free to strategies that are DIY (Do it Yourself) so it does not matter where in the United States you are located.