Undertakings Coming
We have a couple of things cooking. Too early thought to talk about them. Soon we shall be able to. Or so we hope. They are all going to be a part of the Blog Coalition.
We are All Human
We like to think that one of the primary reasons that the PIAs had ten successful awards ceremonies over the course of a decade, was because the awards given to members of the community resonated with others. Meaning, the categories of recognition evolved over time . And the amazing thing is that the process seemed to attract both older and younger people. In the end we are all human!
Can a USA Divided Become a USA Unified?
Although the Platinum PIAs had an emphasis on the arts, it also focused on small businesses in the community or anyone who was making a difference in some way. It is vital that we as a country, especially now, be looking toward a “USA Unified” rather than being a “USA Divided.” The word “unified” rather than being “united” is that it is tough to see this country quickly becoming that. Striving to be unified is more possible.
Sometimes Those in Pain Want Others to Be in Pains
The PIAs always stood for positivity over negativity. Because being a person with an upbeat outlook is spreading the warmth. But an angry and dissatisfied person often find their “joy” through hurting others emotionally. Individuals who do this tend to be in a lot of pain themselves.
The Good Side of Human Behavior
Everyone needs recognition of some kind. When noticing and emphasizing the “good” that someone is doing has a positive impact in many ways. First, the person being awarded becomes happy as a result and will share their award the others. And those seeing their friend or colleague has achieved this, can sometimes motivate them to do good too. And in the big picture it is nice to know that there are others who value the good side of human behavior.
The Convenience of Online for Shoppers
Although most of the Platinum PIAs events were done in-person, some were done online. And post Pandemic even more so people are seeing the value of things being done on the web. This includes buying from businesses online. These days, if a business is not harnessing the internet in some way, are long-term going to have a difficulty keeping their business afloat. Consumers enjoy making purchases online because it is convenient.
Emotional Health
Nurturing the spirit of community is vital to the survival of humans in a positive way. Anger often comes to the surface more quickly than kindness and can have a negative impact. Feelings that lean toward happiness are a different kind of “fuel” than its flipside which is to not care about the good emotional health of others.
Sharing on the Web
The responsibility of pursuing and developing community falls upon all of us. Even those who are introverted need community. Introverts can often be very emotional people and when they have good feelings overwhelming the bad, a person who tends to move toward solitude gets a boost from the happiness of others. It is extremely easy to fall into darkness. Having a happy and healthy society is more difficult. Pain and avoiding it is known to sell better for businesses than a purely positive viewpoint. So sometimes showing both and how they impact each other is the best plan when it comes to sharing online.
Professor Dreamer Meets Professor Realist?
“Hope” is a cornerstone of having a happier way of seeing the world. Often it is thought that dreamers dream of hope, but it is not sustainable. Whereas realists at least have the capacity through their clarity and focus, to have a result. It is really a mix of dreaming and being “realistic” that best serves hope. The dreamer bringing to the table the positive vision of the world, while the realist makes it possible to get that point of view seen by others.
To keep on smiling despite the darkness one can feel, is important. But this is different than pushing a smile. One can be preoccupied by the negative and when that person grins it does not have the same impact as a smile from a person who truly has a zest for life. Of course, many people, especially those in vocations that require networking, can seem false. It is as though they feign being happy to make the sale. Balance, as in many things, is the initial approach.
Mental Health
Mental health thankfully is becoming easier to talk about. Not so long ago it was a taboo. People were ashamed to admit they suffered from things like depression and anxiety. As acceptance grows so do the opportunities for a solution. This includes those in the mental health industries such as psychology and psychiatry. Although things are warming up in an effective manner regarding mental health, it still has a long way to go. But together we can spread the word!