Your Business Does Not Have to Suffer
Here is a way to digitally transform your business process with tools available online that are low or no cost. Businesses like yours do not need to suffer. Solutions are available and are within arm’s length. You simply need to seek them out and be a part of the solution for your business and not the problem.
What was the Platinum PIAs Awards?
The “happening” recognized small businesses and other organizations and institutions who are making a difference both online and off.
Lessons Learned from Pre Covid-Producing of Events and Shows
The best way to “Tap into the Community” is to “Create and Organize the Community” The PIAs ended its decade long annual run just prior to the entrance of the villain of the show, the Corona Virus. But strategies similar to staging shows and events can be easily done by local and online businesses being negatively impacted by Covid and its Variants.
Discovering the Path
Information regarding what the first three steps of the journey are, could potentially become available if “insiders” decide to make digital learning products available. The decision regarding whether or not to move forward with beta testing and proof of concept, must be decided upon by tonight, Friday, at 12:00am, midnight, the start of the new year, 2022.